A Conservative Voice in Columbia
Representing Parts of Spartanburg, Union, and Greenville Counties
Hello friend,
Thank you for taking time to visit my website. I am committed to serving you in the State Legislature. This website is a powerful tool by which we can communicate with one another while I am away in Columbia or at home in the Upstate.
Browse the pages of this site to learn more about me and where I stand on the issues. I update my blog often, so feel free to read my legislative updates. You can also sign up for my e-newsletter to have news delivered to your email inbox.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact me if I can ever be of any assistance to you and your family. I am committed to serving you.
Kindest regards,
Shane Martin
P.S. Remember, we have a real opportunity to ensure the voice of our district is heard in Columbia, but I cannot do this without your help, support, and prayers. Please consider donating or volunteering with my campaign today.
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I’m a small business owner fighting to do what’s right for citizens in Spartanburg, Union, and Greenville counties.
Together we can work together to make a positive difference for our state and community.
Your support helps us take a strong stand for what’s right and fight against liberal special interest groups.
Recent News
ESG (Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance) 2023-2024 Year-End Update
ESG focuses on issues such as: is a company pursuing a so-called green agenda or is it contributing to Marxist organizations or causes Institutional investment firms, such as Goldman Sachs or Blackrock (a multi-billion-dollar hedge fund) often use ESG scores to prioritize their investments in specific companies. This is an issue because South Carolina’s pension [...]