Memorial Day with Former POW

GoUpstate image and article: Ballard also remembered Mike Christian, a fellow POW who made a small American flag and hid it in his cell. When the guards weren't around, the prisoners saluted the flag and sang “God Bless America.” The guards eventually found the flag and beat Christian severely. He was returned to his cell [...]

2020-07-15T14:34:19-04:00May 26th, 2015|General Info|0 Comments


The Senate Republican caucus has issued what now is the fourth proposal for fixing our roads. I do not support it, because like the other three, it raises taxes first. We just demonstrated in the Senate annual budget, that it's not necessary to raise taxes first to fund our roads, and the vote to send [...]

2015-05-18T14:21:33-04:00May 18th, 2015|General Info, Updates|9 Comments

Capital Reserve Fund

This year, the Senate Finance Committee attached a “bond bill” to the Capital Reserve Fund. We are mandated to appropriate a certain amount of dollars to this fund each year to be spent the following year. The Capital Reserve Fund bill prioritizes that spending. A point of order was made that it was against our [...]

2015-05-18T14:11:18-04:00May 18th, 2015|General Info, Updates|1 Comment

Spartanburg Refugee Settlement

The more information which comes out regarding the Refugee Settlement planned for Spartanburg County, the more calls and emails I receive about this, with the vast minority being those who support this. I just wanted to supply you with an update on this situation. This project has apparently been in the works for quite some [...]

2020-07-15T14:34:19-04:00April 27th, 2015|General Info|1 Comment
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