The Senate Republican caucus has issued what now is the fourth proposal for fixing our roads. I do not support it, because like the other three, it raises taxes first. We just demonstrated in the Senate annual budget, that it’s not necessary to raise taxes first to fund our roads, and the vote to send existing funds to our roads only solidifies my opposition to a tax increase. We can do it, if we want to. I am fine with SCDOT restructuring, and I am fine with sending resources to the counties to work on their local roads, but I know that we don’t have to raise taxes to do any of that. I will oppose an increase in the gas tax, especially now that we have proven we can fund roads without one.
Unfortunately the huge gas tax increase legislation passed by the House of Representatives was modified by the Senate Finance Committee to increase taxes further. This bill has been set for “special order” and will be debated in the coming weeks. I remain troubled by how fast some of my colleagues want to raise your taxes first.
It is my hope that you will continue to oppose any tax increases. Any change in my situation carries little advancement as your fellow legislators continue to find ways to take more from me using various tools such as taxes, fees, and authorized utility cost increases. Like the pauper who requested the king simply start with a single grain of wheat on the first day and double the amount for each square on a chess board, it won’t be long before the kingdom is broke. Is it they get some form of power rush by searching for ways to hold the working class down. Government is nothing more than the slave overseer of the old southern plantation; a necessary evil that can choose to be either good or either cruel. Abuse of the fiscal authority is not the act of a good overseer, especially when fiscal abuse appears to be running rampant.
You say that you have proven that we don’t need a tax increase. I would like to see your proof. Please post it where we can look at it.
Yea! Where is the proof?
Glad to see the way you voted on the gas tax. Keep up the good work
I would ask that you continue to oppose any gas tax increase or any other tax increase. The citizens of South Carolina deserve complete transparency in how money is raised through taxes of all kinds, which county the funds came from and where the funds are spent. The state should create a web site that shows this information to all citizens. I would also urge you to eliminate voice votes. All votes on every issue should be recorded.
Shane, it has been shown by the most knowledgeable experts in Georgia, NC and SC a tax increase is the fairest way to fund our road repairs. You are in the minority and not doing what most business leaders know is right. You are just wrong on this issue.
Here is the data, Dennis:
There is already enough money. It is not being spent wisely. Increasing taxes just means more waste, not necessarily better roads.
If there were truly not enough money and SCDOT was prioritizing AND operating efficiently, then it would be worth debating a gas tax. Until those two things are fixed at SCDOT then more taxes are not the answer.
If the Legislature allocates $200 million in 1 time money this year divided by the 46 counties in this state equals about $4,347,836 per county. Divide this by the cost to rebuild 1 mile of a 2 lane state road at $388,000 per mile equals 11.2 miles of roads. There is over 1,000 miles of state roads in Spartanburg County and most of them are falling apart now. It seems way too little and there is no guarantee that the legislature will do this again in the future. Heck, even the trucking industry is willing to pay more in the motor fuel user fee. They use a lot more fuel than the average citizen in this state. A steady flow of funding is needed to rebuild our falling apart roads and bridges. This seems like way too little and way too late. Every year we wait, the more it’s going to cost us. Think about it.
Shame on you for leaving Columbia again with no plan to fix our failed road system. DISGUSTING is a word that comes to mind. If you think you can fund the statewide massive program needed out of petty cash you do not deserve to be in Columbia representing the people of your district!