The SC State Chamber of Commerce now supports Obamacare! H.3101 is the bill to stop Obamacare in SC. This is terrible as they are supposed to represent those same businesses that are being harmed by Obamacare!  Remember, this is the same group that rewarded legislators for voting for debt on our children and grandchildren.

Call the State Chamber and tell them how you feel.

Here is the email they just sent to all Senators:

From: []
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2014 4:01 PM
Subject: Key Business Vote – H.3101 ~ Website email from South Carolina Chamber of Commerce to ALL Senate Members

Please oppose the potential compromise amendment drafted by Sen. Tom Davis as well as the full nullification bill. It negatively impacts the business community and will hinder economic development.

South Carolina Chamber of Commerce
1301 Gervais Street
Suite 1100
Columbia, SC 29201