COLUMBIA, SC (June 18, 2013) – This is from our Banking & Insurance Committee:

Senators and Staff,

Attached is a flyer for a free event that Consumer Affairs is co-hosting with the Treasury Department June 28 (I’ve included the email announcement below).  This would be a great opportunity for constituents to get some sound advice on how to save their homes.

Also, keep in mind that SCHELP continues to improve its service and has adjusted how it is handling its programs.  Any time you hear from someone who is struggling with paying their mortgage, it would be a good idea to point them to SCHELP’s website  or give them the toll-free phone number:  (855) 435.7472.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Steven L. Gilbert, PhD
Chief of Staff – Director of Research
Office of Senator Robert W. Hayes Jr., Chairman
Senate Banking & Insurance Committee
803-212-6299 – fax