I’m glad to connect with you in my second update of 2021. The SC State Senate hasn’t passed many bills in 2021, and that is a good thing, but the ones we have passed actually make a difference for South Carolina.

You recall from the last update that the Senate passed the Heartbeat Bill to save even more unborn children from the abortionists. That bill has made it to the House floor, and I expect it to pass by the time of my next update. We all know that the abortionists will sue to keep their death mills going, but thanks to President Trump our US Supreme Court stands ready to rule in favor of life. I know that we all look forward to that day.

The SC Senate also passed on Tuesday the 9th a resolution to prioritize COVID vaccinations for teachers. All teachers, school support staff and daycare workers will qualify under phase 1a for immediate vaccination. Also, no Senior Citizens will lose their already scheduled appointments.  The resolution also requires all public schools to offer 5-day, in-person classes upon their return from Spring Break. The governor opposed this action, but the data indicated that it would have been unnecessary had the executive branch effectively overseen COVID vaccination since December. It did not, so we had to act. We will act again on other COVID matters if needed.

Senate committees have under consideration legislation to restore regularly scheduled teacher pay increases and funding for public charter schools. The Senate Judiciary Committee is working on the Santee Cooper issue, but as I don’t serve on that committee, I don’t know yet how that discussion will turn out.

I serve as chairman of the Senate Corrections and Penology Committee, and we have put on the floor a bill to authorize alternative means of carrying out sentences of capital punishment. Current law allows for the convicted person to choose lethal injection, but those drugs have not been available to SC for several years, resulting in the inability to carry out lawful sentences. The bill mandates electrocution if the injection drugs are not available. I believe that this bill soon will pass.

Please look to hear from me during session on other important matters such as the protection of our Second Amendment rights and tax reform for our small businesses and individual taxpayers.  I have requested a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on my Constitutional Carry Bill, so hopefully the Chairman will schedule one soon.

Constituent service is what I pride myself on, so please call on me or my office anytime.  Also, check out and like my new Twitter / Facebook page @SenShaneMartin. Thank you and have a great year!